
劉怡昕 副教授兼國際專修部主任兼副校長

姓  名: 劉怡昕    Iris Yi-shin Liou

職  級:副教授 兼國際專修部主任 兼副校長


電子信箱: ysliou@ems.dyhu.edu.tw

學  歷

  • PhD in TESOL, Faculty of Arts and Education, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia, 2008
  • M.A. in Literature, University of Essex, Colchester, UK, 1994
  • Postgraduate Diploma in English and European Literature, University of Essex, Colchester, UK, 1992
  • B.A. in English Literature, Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan, 1988


  • 英美文學,社會語言學,教師專業認同研究
    English and American literature, Social linguistics, EIL (English as an international language), teachers' professional identity research


  • 通識英文,餐飲英文,研究所文獻導讀
    General English, ESP(English for specific purpose: hospitality), Graduate School Literature review course, English Reading Skills Training

經  歷


  • 2008 – present:德育護理健康學院 健康產業管理研究所/通識中心副教授
    Associate Professor of English, Center of General Education , Ching-Kuo Institute of Management and Health, Taiwan
  • 1996 – 2008:德育護理健康學院 通識中心英文講師
    Lecturer of English, Center of General Education, Ching-Kuo Institute of Management and Health, Taiwan


  • 2016 – 迄今:研發處處長
    Director, Research and Development Office  Ching-Kuo Institute of Management and Health, Taiwan
  • 2014-2016:研發處學產組組長
    Research and Development Office  Chief, Division of Research Project Affairs & Industrial-Academic Cooperation
  • 2013-2014:研發處國際組組長與學產組組長
    Research and Development Office  Chief, Division of International Cooperation  Chief, Division of Research Project Affairs & Industrial-Academic Cooperation
  • 2009 – 2011:通識中心主任
    Chair of The Center for General Education, Ching-Kuo Institute of Management and Health, Taiwan
  • 2008 – 2009:就業輔導組組長、研發處學產研發組&國際合作組組長
    Chief Officer, Division of international Cooperation and Division of Research & Industry cooperation, Ching-Kuo Institute of Management and Health, Taiwan
  • 2003 – 2004:進修部學務組組長
    Chief officer, Office of Student Affairs, Evening Division, Ching-Kuo Institute of Management and Health, Taiwan
  • 2002 – 2003:研發處國際合作組組長
    Chief officer, Division of International Cooperation, Research and Development Office, Ching-Kuo Institute of Management and Health, Taiwan


  • Liou, Y. S. (2008) English as an International Language and Teachers’ Professional Identity, PhD Thesis, Faculty of Education, Deakin University, 2008
  • Liou, Y. S. (1993) "The Making of A Poet: Allen Ginsberg's Early Poems and the Writing of Howl", M.A. dissertation, University of Essex, U.K., 1993


  • 2014 – 迄今:北區教學資源中心計畫暑期英文密集班培訓課程計畫主持人
  • 2012 – 2013:教育部大專院校數位人才培訓計畫訓練課程種子教師
  • 2011 – 2013:北區技專校院教學資源中心「強化通識基礎課程與數位教材製作」計畫總主持人


  • 星期二 下午第6,7節


  • 星期二 下午第8,9節

著  作

專   書


  • Terry Evans & Iris Yi-shin Liou (2011) Institutional pedagogical waypoints: reflections on doctoral journeys between Taiwan and Australia, Innovations in Education and Teaching International (SSCI)
  • Liou, Y. S. (2009) Who wants EIL? Attitudes towards English as a Lingua Franca in the world: A comparison between college teachers and students in Taiwan, Conference proceedings of the Third Conference on College English, 11th April 2009, Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan
  • Liou, Y. S. (2009) Gender matters? Attitudes towards English as an International Language: A comparative study of college teachers and students in greater Taipei Area. Conference proceedings of Symposium of Gender, culture, and general Education, 30th September 2009, Ching-Kuo Institute of Health and Management, Keelung, Taiwan
  • Tytler, R. & Liou, Y.S. (2005), An Australian school innovation in Science Initiative, Educational Resources and Research, 64, 2005, p.41-59, co-authored with Russell Tytler, Professor of Science Education (TSSCI)
  • Liou, Y. S. (2000) "Heavenly Father and Worldly Daughter: The Resistance and conflict of Anne Bradstreet and Emily Dickinson," Journal of Deh-Yu College of Nursing and Management, Volume 16, Taiwan, 2000
  • Translation of Our Treacherous Hearts: Why Women Let Men Get Their Way by Rosalind Coward, Shuchuan Publication, Taiwan, 1997



  • 2009 經國學院優良教師獎 Teacher of excellence award, CKU 
  • 2004 – 2008 教育部補助技專校院選送教師出國進修專案計畫全額獎學金Full scholarship of Sending Academics of Technology Institutes studying abroad Ministry of Education, Taiwan 
  • 2001  中華民國私校學會優良教師獎Teacher of Excellence Award, The Association of Private Institutes of  Education, Taiwan
  • 2001 教育部技職司優良教學網頁設計優勝獎Front Page Design, Award of Excellence, Teachers of Higher Technological and Vocational Education, Ministry of Education, Executive Yuan, Taiwan